It's the shizzle-dizzles, nutty celery, lovely acidity like nae too shabby. Label must have been made with Microsoft products. — 8 years ago
Soft, like licking a cigar made from mole skin, fruit forward and dissipates like the hopes and dreams of Leicester winning the league again. Yet there remains a smidgen of tobacco and plum.. Duh.. Dum..dum.... Yeah would still do it. 9/10 — 8 years ago
£4.99 from @LidlUK Price per £ this is a delicious steal. More floral, less juicy & a bit leathery... Leathery in a good way (not like Harrison Ford) @supa_tweet — 8 years ago
Brrrrrrrrapp brrap multi brrap! This is fat juice, sweet salty liquorice cherry plums, but doesn't cling to your cheeks like some of thr annoying fuzzy shiraz heavy hitters. — 6 years ago
Boom shakkalakka, the rich and juicy kinda like a chard without smelling like a middle aged lady boots perfume multipack. Would do it again. Probably from Lidl so well worth the dosh. — 7 years ago
Wrapped in a soft but tannic duvet of joy. Marvelous bang for the buck. — 8 years ago
Soft, dry and super round. Like Oompah Lumpah drowned in plum pie. — 9 years ago
Freddy May
Freddy had this 6 years ago