It was a 2004 intense,mature large body with fragrances reminding sandal Wood and roasted coffe — 8 years ago
This 1999 was silly off the charts
Intense and vibrant at a near maturity
Brilliant. Wachau rocks — 8 years ago
Abate nero domini 2010
A brilliant and steely bubbles that inspires great pairing with fish
Premium drinking at correct value
For not obvious drinkers looking for New directions — 8 years ago
Compact bubbles,elegant and persistent
Seriously made and perfect to Enjoy Now.
A good alternative to champagne — 8 years ago
Intense still out of date
In an are where minerality plays a major time this blend is more reminiscent of past glories than present transparent beauties — 8 years ago
Lambrusco rosé 2012 cantina della volte
My first time with such Wine on a warm summer dinner in Italy
Paired very well raw prawns
Racy nerve. I liked it — 8 years ago
Enrico Allievi
A sparkling Marsala
It is a gem a pure hidden gem
In mouth pure mediterranean flavours
Dry as a blade it surprises you in warm summer nights as a mysterious lady
Simply great — 8 years ago