On the sweeter side, but some decent minerality. Not very acidic. Hints of peach. I'd buy it if I were having over someone who only likes moscato or similarly sweet wines, but didn't want to subject myself to that level of sugar. — 5 years ago
A tasty red. First time trying a pinotage and I'll definitely be trying more in the future. — 5 years ago
Not bad. Sweeter than expected and a little one-note. — 4 years ago
Emily had this 5 years ago
Definitely an interesting wine. Not sure if I'd get it again. Tasted almost like an aperitivo. I made spritzers with it. — 5 years ago
Really nice flavor -tart cherries and a smooth finish. — 5 years ago
Finally a reisling I like. Sweet enough that I'd give it to my MIL who only drinks Barefoot White Zinf, but sith enough tartness and complexity that I'd enjoy it too. — 4 years ago
Pears. — 5 years ago
It wasn't bad, just not really my thing. Strong honey flavors, if you had told me this was a mead I would have easily believed you. — 5 years ago
Emily Schaefer
Nice and dry but not bitter. Delicious at Keens. — 4 years ago