A very nice rosé. Most notable is the tart finish. Decent acidity. Pair with something spicy or just drink it solo on your next Netflix binge. — 10 years ago
Took a chance on this one. It was only $4.99 at Whole Foods, so I picked it up to try. Super easy to drink. Uncomplicated and tasty out of the bottle without so much as a trip through the aerator. I had it with Cuban black beans and pork mojo. I will definitely be picking up more, and wouldn't hesitate to serve it to company, either! — 10 years ago
I'm a sucker for wines that have a little frizzante- and this one rocked my world! Perfect summer wine for dining al fresco or picnicking or just about anything. I am on my way back to where it found it to buy up every bottle they have in stock! — 10 years ago
I've been on a rosé kick all summer long. They are tough to find (the good ones, that is). Every time I find one I like, I can't find it again to repurchase. So I was delighted to discover Botasea at my new favorite wine bar, Corkbuzz. Silky smooth strawberry essence, but not overly sweet. Loved it with scallops. — 10 years ago
Light and crisp with a tart finish. Green apple and honeysuckle. Versatile, classy white for summer evenings that won't break the bank. Stock up on this one! I had it with grilled chicken, but it would be phenomenal with seafood, shellfish or even a simple fruit and cheese selection. — 10 years ago
Dawn Freeland
Dawn had this 9 years ago