Great stuff. Subtle fruit at first, but it comes at you slowly and hangs around a bit, showing off its solid, medium body. It departs slowly - not quickly and dry, but with a confident saunter, with an air of subtle spicy twang. Definitely a repeat. I also have no idea what I'm talking about. — 10 years ago
David had this 10 years ago
Bright, very bright. Not blinding, but definitely bright enough to warrant the figurative mouth sunglasses. The first swig is almost aggressive in it's tang - very fruity and held together with some acidity (the partnership works well). Then it hangs around a little, showing off it's body, which is fairly stocky like a water polo player without being the least bit overweight. It climbs out of the mouth-pool rather quickly, as if it weighed but a feather, dripping a little trail of mineral taste as it heads for the locker room, leaving you wondering how such a robust body can still seem so light and how it can start out almost sweet and finish almost dry. And how bad this review is. (I have no idea what I'm talking about.) But it's a solid wine - really solid. — 11 years ago
I actually bought this to use for my special signature Dave's Beef Burgundy, which I hadn't ever made before, and because the recipe on the box only called for about half a bottle, I had some beefless. And it was solid. I agree with the others who say it's a trifle sour for a pinot noir (not Sour Patch Kids sour, but just more of a tingly feeling left in your mouth, like a little acidic graffiti tag saying "Francis wuz here.") I also agree it comes off a tiny bit bitter, but I think that's more of a feeling of the absence of sweetness, like the fruit just ghosted. Some pretty decent tannis give it some middle heft, but they cut out fairly quickly, ushered out by the aforementioned semi-sourness, which loiters a bit. All in all, solid and drinkable, but it seems like it wants to be a little too serious for all occasions - it's a wine more for discussing literary theory than Big Bang Theory. — 9 years ago
Cheap, and comes in a big bottle. Perfect for brining to a gathering of artists - especially since the winemaker is related to a poet (according to the text on the back of the bottle). No real body, but that's cool; it's smooth and drinkable and not too sweet. Party wine. — 10 years ago
Super hyper fruity from the start, and along with that comes pretty serious sweetness - but then it almost head fakes you, to turn the sweetness into a much more tart, crisp finish - like you're waiting to guard for the layup, but then it stops and takes a quick jumper. And I suppose it's a decent shot - it plays with being too sweet, but stops just short of it. Still, it's probably the sweetest wine I'd be able to drink, and won't make it a regular choice, although I imagine it would pair well with food (nothing fancy). Probably be a decent choice to bring to a wild house party too, especially later in the night. I also have no idea what I'm talking about. — 10 years ago
Peary and even a little peachy, with a pronounced tang to usher it along. Not too complex or anything, but very, very bright and drinkable. Especially good for when you know ahead of time that you're going to drink a little more than you probably should. I also have no idea what I'm talking about. — 10 years ago
Begins with a subtle front end - subtle but not weak, for it still has the strength to lug some deep fruity heft along for the ride. That welcoming party then paves the way for a surprisingly solid body that comfortably hangs out without overstaying its welcome. It's not spicy or tangy, but has enough tannins to give it an almost devious tinge - like the memorable best man speech that expertly navigates the line between classy heartfelt sentiment and salacious stories of youth. It leaves the party with a dry escape, disappearing quickly but not impolitely. All in all, a great dinner guest. I also have no idea what I'm talking about. — 10 years ago
David had this 10 years ago
David Poplar
Sort of like getting unexpectedly shot with a water pistol on a brutally hot day - an initial tarty fruitiness really takes you aback at first, and in that initial moment of shock you're a little dazed and unsure what to think. Should you be a little annoyed at the slightly jarring surprise? Is it those crazy Australians playing practical jokes again? But no worries, mate - before your thoughts get the chance to start down that path, your brain comes back online and the more mellow and slightly denser fruit flavors begins sinking in to your palate, chased by a hint of earthy spice. And you realize hey, that was actually super refreshing and a heartily welcomed experience. And you ask to be shot again and again. — 8 years ago