Sharp and earthy on the nose. Slightly heavier flavour initially, with a citrus finish on tongue. Interesting flavour without being too intense. Corte €10.65 — a year ago
Very basic white. Airen grapes gives a heavier bland taste to the normal smooth verdejo grape. Not terrible, very light flavour, slight twang. Not a great flavour, drinkable in a pinch — 2 years ago
Very smooth Godello. Sweet on the nose, then a very light apple taste turning almost sour but balancing off cleanly for a very fresh finish. Leaves a very subtle nice after taste like the lightest cider ever. Easy to drink, interesting without being imposing — 2 years ago
Soft interesting Chardonnay. Slight sharp tough but then a soft full bodied taste, slight woody touch, very smooth finish. Simple, but nice wine — a year ago
Local small farm Madrid wine. I think a blend of grapes. Sweet fruity aroma, very smooth, very light flavour, initially light acidic touch turning kore citrus with aftertaste. Simple wine, but smooth, great casual drinking wine — 2 years ago
Vague white wine, not obvious region or grapes on the bottle. Very light, barely any flavour, not sure if lost due to not being sealed properly but was not a big fan when originally opemed — 2 years ago
Simple Chardonnay, sharp to start with a touch of fruit, which dissipates quickly. Lightly acidic on the tongue. Not my favourite wine but simple and enjoyable. Carrefour €4.95 — a year ago
Local small farm Madrid wine. Malvar grape can usually be quite bland. But even with the damp cedar aroma, they've managed to keep the wine simple and quite fresh finish. Slight acidic twang but nothing too complex. As a simple day drinking wine, for the price, it is fine. Farmers Market, Madrid €2 — 2 years ago
Rebeiro region wine, natural. Clean taste, heavier grape, maybe Airen. Not very smooth finish, not a terrible aftertaste but fruity, usually what I find with Natural wines. Reasonable — 2 years ago
Basic Rueda, slight underlying fizz in the taste. Okay, but really not great — a year ago