Great balance of taste and value. Excellent with tenderloin. Easy. Drinkable. Pairs well. Purchased additional bottles to lay down. — 10 years ago
Crisp and dry without too much pucker. No flat after taste. One of the best rosés of the summer — 10 years ago
Too dry. — 10 years ago
Served with butterflied leg of lamb. Excellent pairing. Smooth, full bodied wine with plenty of interest — 10 years ago
If you don't want to abandon Chardonnay completely, this is a nice everyday white to have on hand - although not exactly a "value" wine. — 10 years ago
A welcome change of pace but a little too much pucker to drink as chefs glass while cooking. Looking for something rounder. — 10 years ago
Not a Pinot Noir!! But couldn't find the correct WHITE wine in the library. Full bodied. Round. Good accompaniment to salmon salad. — 10 years ago