Bright with low acidity. Sweet peaches and honey linger. Surprisingly soft, but not creamy. Great for summer night sips. — 6 years ago
Not too sweet—bright, bubbly, and oh so smooth. Spectacular with blue cheese. Light citrus + gooseberries. Inexpensive treat. — 6 years ago
With its first breath, this Bordeaux exhales as a sweaty armpit. The funk fades to grape skins and garden dirt with time. Despite its brash entry to the nostrils, it has a smooth and medium body. Low tannin, low acidity, deep purple. Pairing with food is a must. — 6 years ago
Charles had this 6 years ago
Wide flavor profile that lacks distinct identity. Smooth and soft—it’s boldness retreats before glass hits table. Low spice, low acidity. Pairing with food a must. — 6 years ago
This wine slowly crescendos into a spicy complex, and quickly fades from the palette. Not enjoyable by itself, but pairing with steak or pasta brings out the subtlety this red has to offer. Though the overall taste of this wine is quite bland, its smooth nature and low acidity content makes it a safe choice to please a general population. — 7 years ago
Charles Brodine
Unassuming, quiet wine. Contrary to many of its brighter New Zealand cousins, this Sauvignon Blanc whispers it’s minerality and modest body. Must be paired with a sharp cheese/veggies/meat. While well balanced, I prefer wines with lasting impression... — 6 years ago