Why I want this: one of the best from the woodside area. — 8 years ago
Formation champagne. Thick, chunky. Might have turned. Too heavy on the palate like an apple cider. — 8 years ago
Robust full brilliance. Twirly oak. You can feel a downhill descent of a small, rolling hill in France, 2/3 of the way in. Petite smell of a dark, sour brandied cherry. 9 rating for superb value. Will hold up to mole and everything spice. — 8 years ago
Bodacious! Full, like a chunky blackberry robust at summer. Both nostrils - fully forward - the smell flares in a consistent stream. There's a little bit of that chateauneuf du papes pollen that I love so much on the smell. It's smooth, full with a very even and rich coat. Chocolate minks might enjoy. — 8 years ago
Cee Cee Johnson
Cee Cee had this 5 years ago