I write a wine blog called Pursuing Pinot (www.pursuingpinot.com). Adventures including food, wine, travel and friends are what inspire me.
Very nice Albariño, fairly reasonable. Found this at Total Wine. — 10 years ago
Delightful Pinot at Lake Chalet in Oakland. — 10 years ago
This is a lovely Tuscan red, good with pasta, chicken or pork. — 10 years ago
Enjoyed this fabulous bottle of bubbly with my dear brother, Doug, as we enjoyed an early Christmas celebration. — 9 years ago
Yummy Baby Barolo. Having with mushroom ravioli. — 10 years ago
Discovered while tasting at an urban winery on Treasure Island in San Francisco. Big wine, dark fruit, and spice. — 10 years ago
This is the 2013 vintage. Wonderful Gruner, worth the price which is around $30. — 10 years ago
I purchased this at a wine tasting. Had the same wine with a friend and it didn't taste as I remembered. Opened this bottle recently and was favorably impressed. 2004 was not a great vintage year in Burgundy, but I would purchase this, again. — 10 years ago
Exceptional Rioja. Enjoyed with Boeuf a la Mode and good friends. — 10 years ago
Catherine O'Brien
This is a new one for us. We enjoyed it with filet and Thai spiced Brussels sprouts. Totally stood up to all the flavors, smooth with wonderful body. — 9 years ago