Like this one. Ever so slightly smokey or metallic or leathery on the nose, also dark fruit- plum. Medium to full body, nice acidity, tannic. Would be good with red meat or rich fatty food of some kind- not quite right with the chicken and veggies I'm eating. But still tasty. — 8 years ago
Tastes more interesting and complex than other cheap bubbly. Lots of Apple and lemon. A flavor I can't place but really good. — 8 years ago
Lightly sparkling, fruity with a touch if minerality. A perfect summer wine. Very yummy in an easy-drinking, tasty way. — 8 years ago
Love this as a cheap prosecco. Yummy. Not too dry. More flavor than I'd expect; kinda fruity in a good way. — 7 years ago
So good!! Cheap but complex and funky and just delicious all around. A new favorite. — 8 years ago
Too sweet for me, for an ordinary night. But nice. Medium/light body, has a sweetness without being syrupy or coating the tongue like a california wine. Delicate. Tasty. — 8 years ago
Leans tart. First impression was "cranberry." Strawberry on the nose. Light bodied. Good but not my favorite. Nice and light. — 8 years ago
Delicious! Just tasty, full bodied, yummy and juicy. Cheap but good, people pleaser. — 8 years ago
This one's not for me. Light bodied, a bit floral on the nose, but feels a bit thin and too tart for me. Very dry. I could see liking it more a bit chilled. But wouldn't buy again. — 8 years ago
Cassie Houtz
Cassie had this 7 years ago