Brian had this 10 years ago
Really not worth it. Watery and falls flat. — 12 years ago
To be honest i picked this because of the label but its a surprisingly fantastic Petite Syrah/Petit Verdot blend. Even my non-wine friends like it!! — 12 years ago
Brian had this 10 years ago
Brian had this 10 years ago
Another under $10 bottle! Yay for cheap wine!! This one is good. Very vegetative in flavor. Not very assertive, acidic, or ascorbic. I'd cook with it. Tastes nothing like either a Syrah or merlot. Don't think I'd actually serve it again. — 12 years ago
Brian had this 10 years ago
Another watery and boring wine. — 12 years ago
Lets be honest. I bought this cause of the label. Not a very good Grenache. Bitter and astringent. Though it does have a lot of body. At under $10 — 12 years ago
Brian Wakefield
Brian had this 9 years ago