Smooth, the Barry White of cabs
Think craisins
Focus on the highlights from tip to stern
— 10 years ago
Subtle flavors and familiar overtones tumble over each other in a wild dance around the palette.
Gorgeous Thanksgiving wine.
Conjures images of family and years past. — 10 years ago
The spirit of Quetzalcoatl permeates each sip. Cinnamon and cocoa hide around the corner and taunt you as you work through the bottle. ¡Vaya! — 6 years ago
Prosaic and inappropriate for polite company. deeply flawed nose but the finish won't put you on your arse. — 8 years ago
Smooth at the perimeter, finishes like a goddamn freight train.
What God drinks with his cigar. — 10 years ago
Hollow echoes of autumn.
Tart blackberry hinting at the ephemeral.
Long finish however, ending on a melodious timbre. — 10 years ago
Drink w a roast; never a filet.
Oft called - unfairly- the Cherry Coke of Cabernets. It’s more akin to Coke Zero.
Note the peppercorn behind the tongue and the hint of wheat. — 7 years ago
Butter baby — 10 years ago
Beringer Pinot is a tank, my war horse.
A stout fruit aroma greets the drinker from 3 feet.
Serve with savory or sweet, to a pauper or a president.
Beware the ringing aftertones — 10 years ago
Adam Smith
Imagine your licking a rough wet stone wall with rivulets flowing down at random. This vintage would pair with that vision. Rough. Wet. Random. Be ready for a happy roughed up tongue.. — 6 years ago