
Rhum Blanc

8.94 ratings
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Guadeloupe, France
Top Notes For
Dominique Bonnet

Bon, équilibré, pas trop aromatique canne à sucre pour des ti-punch traditionnels. Médaille d'or Paris 2015.

Bon, équilibré, pas trop aromatique canne à sucre pour des ti-punch traditionnels. Médaille d'or Paris 2015.

Jan 15th, 2016
Rocky Lee Baker

A Classic for a ti'punch: muddle half a lime with some turbinado sugar then add one shot of simple syrup and two shots of rum. Finally, Add some ice and enjoy

A Classic for a ti'punch: muddle half a lime with some turbinado sugar then add one shot of simple syrup and two shots of rum. Finally, Add some ice and enjoy

Jul 11th, 2015
Michael James Hall

Quite nice for a rhum!

Quite nice for a rhum!

Dec 6th, 2013
Rocky Lee Baker

Rocky had this 10 years ago

Rocky had this 10 years ago

Jul 11th, 2015