Cantine Riondo
Castelforte Valpolicella Ripasso Corvina Blend

I miss Amarone after living in the UK. This Ripasso 2013 doesn't quite hit the mark of Amarone but it's delicious and beautiful all the same
I miss Amarone after living in the UK. This Ripasso 2013 doesn't quite hit the mark of Amarone but it's delicious and beautiful all the same
Jun 27th, 2017
Timed blind tasting with my brother and a wine importer in Oslo last night (points on the clock weighed up against the answer). This one threw us both. Tasted straight out of the bottle it was completely closed so it was a competition in fast-paced swilling for the first five minutes. I jumped for a South Rhone when the pepper and dark fruits appeared but should have waited for the sour cherries to emerge. Was kicking myself when the other guy got it two minutes later...
Timed blind tasting with my brother and a wine importer in Oslo last night (points on the clock weighed up against the answer). This one threw us both. Tasted straight out of the bottle it was completely closed so it was a competition in fast-paced swilling for the first five minutes. I jumped for a South Rhone when the pepper and dark fruits appeared but should have waited for the sour cherries to emerge. Was kicking myself when the other guy got it two minutes later...
Jan 2nd, 2016
Didn’t quite mesh with the spaghetti and garlic red sauce… it’s a good bottle but it fits a grilled fish dish better
Didn’t quite mesh with the spaghetti and garlic red sauce… it’s a good bottle but it fits a grilled fish dish better
Dec 31st, 2021
Mild og lett rødvin. Lite forsmak, men god ettersmak. God allsidighet, som passer like godt til mild mat som kosedrikke.
Mild og lett rødvin. Lite forsmak, men god ettersmak. God allsidighet, som passer like godt til mild mat som kosedrikke.
Sep 22nd, 2018