Простенький, но приятный вкус, аромат слабенький. К ужину, когда приходит толпа гостей, пойдёт.
Простенький, но приятный вкус, аромат слабенький. К ужину, когда приходит толпа гостей, пойдёт.
Aug 30th, 2015
The blah reviews surprise me. I was looking for a pure example of Valpolicella Classico. This wine easily surpasses my expectations. No oak. Lots of tannic depth and aromatics.
The blah reviews surprise me. I was looking for a pure example of Valpolicella Classico. This wine easily surpasses my expectations. No oak. Lots of tannic depth and aromatics.
Apr 16th, 2015
Pretty smooth, but have had better Valpolicella (Zenato, for example)
Pretty smooth, but have had better Valpolicella (Zenato, for example)
Jul 12th, 2014