Wine Situation Final Five

The Wine Situation hosts everyone from winemakers to writers to find out what a person’s situation is…with wine. At the end of each episode, host Ellen Clifford wants to know the basics of her guests’ final thoughts on wine, drink and food. This month, Ellen talks with Jenna Duran of Connect the Dots Collective! This was edited for length! QUESTION ONE Ellen: Question number one: whatcha drinking? What are you into these days? Jenna: A lot of Chablis , a lot of Sancerre . It’s summertime. It’s hot in California. I’m a high-acid white wine girl through and through, so those are probably my favorites. QUESTION TWO Ellen: Question number two is: do you have a favorite or unusual pairing? Jenna: I’m sure everyone talks about Champagne and potato chips, but I mean that is one of those—with a little crème fraiche—I mean, yeah, that’s probably one of my favorite things, with either chives on it or if you have a sour cream and onion potato chip with a little bit of crème fraiche on it…glass of Champagne…you can’t go wrong. QUESTION THREE Ellen: Question number three: favorite snack? Jenna: I don’t know the brand name, but this caramel corn with almonds is made in Paso Robles. It’s some of the most delicious caramel corn. QUESTION FOUR Ellen: Question number four: what is your favorite opera [Jenna has a background in opera], and if you could watch it while drinking a bottle of wine, what would you drink? Jenna: La bohème. Whimsical, funny, glass of bubbles or some Chablis with that, absolutely. QUESTION FIVE Ellen: Question number five: what’s bringing you joy these days? Jenna: Getting to work with the group of women that I’m working with. I truly find joy in sitting down and bouncing around ideas. Sometimes, you just need that day with a group of people to have creative conversations. For me, that kind of stuff feeds my energy levels internally and externally. Getting to exercise ideas and throw things out there and riff off each other. *** Collect the Dots Collect can be found or on LinkedIn! Check out the previous Wine Situation podcast with Bianca Bosker here .


Rosé Sauvage Brut Champagne

Rich but bright, passionate and full of color and flavor. The proper volley between fruit and baguette. Serious but doesn’t take itself so. — a year ago

Bob, Ira and 5 others liked this

Eléonore Moreau

Chablis Chardonnay 2020

A touch not what I tend to expect of Chablis but quite tasty. Salted apricot and meter lemon. Fuller and more textured than the average Chab. Nice bump of wet stone and salinity to boot. — 2 years ago

Daniel, Peter and 6 others liked this
Jody Scharf

Jody Scharf Premium Badge

I prefer a straw but ok. respect!
Ellen Clifford

Ellen Clifford Influencer Badge Premium Badge

@Jody Scharf haaaa fair enough!

Palmer & Co

Brut Reserve Champagne Blend

Palmer turned my head in general at a recent tasting—if you can get your hands on the 1996 vintage my gosh…but for exceptional Champagne at (if not everyday) more frequently do-able prices lean in. Toasty white bread with these citrus notes that…can I be honest? It reminds me when as a teen vegetarian in St Louis I’d do late night runs to Steak and Shake where my friends got burgers but I’d order toast and butter with a lime freeze. Those toasty but piquant and refreshing notes. Expect like that on a platter with even more nuance. Obvi it doesnt taste like that precisely but its toast and citrus vibes don’t let go and cream and apple butter are backup singers. Do drink Palmer. — 2 years ago

Ira, Joe and 10 others liked this


Brut Royal Champagne Blend

It’s good champers, what else to say? Well plenty—I like a rich bubbly. The bready notes take a back seat to fruit n cream, and there is an interesting bit of...well when I first smelled it I thought...”Ricola”? Something herbal and sure to soothe the throat. — 3 years ago

Aaron, Bob and 21 others liked this


Cheers beautiful one! 🥂
Ellen Clifford

Ellen Clifford Influencer Badge Premium Badge

@Trixie awww shucks thanks m’lady! 🥂

Jean-Marie Reverdy & Fils

La Villaudière Sancerre Pinot Noir Rosé 2021

Rich but buoyant, light but outspoken enough for me. Bright strawberry and cherry vitamin (in a good way) vibes plus wet stone and pepper. I’d call this wine a friend.
— 2 years ago

Severn, Daniel and 5 others liked this

Domaine Yves Martin

Chavignol Sancerre Sauvignon Blanc 2020

Investigating classic pairings and realized the only thing I had to serve chèvre on was packets pretzels from the flight I just…flew in from?

Fortunately pretzels were good call. Otherwise?I’m annoyed. I’ve never cared for goat cheese. And I’ve scoffed at how Sancerre scarcely tastes like Sauvignon Blanc anymore.

But the two together are so delightful. It’s coming to terms with a madness in line with last week when I found myself hanging with a gorgeous couple (Los Angeles models yayyy) and I wished I could write them off. Then one picked up his guitar and started playing 90’s/early aughts hits with passion, and his girlfriend confided she wrote Edward Allen Poe inspired poetry and I thought “damn I love them…where did my inner Daria go???”

Both pairings really pleased me.
The humans it’s obvious they are asshole artists like me.

The cheese and wine? I never liked the gamey notes and (to me) overly rich bordering on pasty mouthfeel of chèvre. But somehow the floral, mineral, and white peach vibes from this Sancerre tease out the floral and earthy (without being animal-y) zings from the cheese.
I’m pissed that I found a way I like goat cheese. The more you know?
— 3 years ago

Severn, Aaron and 10 others liked this