Orange wine. Orange peel, rose petal, dry, dry tannins, tea a la peche, puffed rice. — 9 years ago
Lots of tannins but still really easy to drink too fast — 4 years ago
Super concentrated dark berry and black cherry. Slight chocolate and smoked meat notes. Intense tannin. Yummy. — 9 years ago
This is a really pleasant traditional style orange wine. Floral notes and a mysterious toasted-herbs-de-provence round out this wine. Tannins are a bit rustic, but it works well in this wine. — 11 years ago
Liza likes, Remi doesn't — 8 years ago
Lovely blackberries, maybe leather on the nose, very dry on the palette, fresh sourness, fruity, quite elegant. Lovely. — 8 years ago
Supercool minerally oxidized white, poured by the glass at Hearth. — 10 years ago
Dmitry Muzychak
Выпито ,375 Ronan by Clinet в Обнинске. Прекрасное мягкое рабочее Бордо в Померольсеом стиле. Очень зашло. Цена - смешная, 760 рублей в Vinoterra. Надо будет забрать остатки. Сегодня Женя подарил мне фантастический подарок на Дееь Рождения! Они с женой большие молодцы! — 3 years ago