I'm on the famous Camino de Santiago de Compostela, in the beautiful city of Salas, Northern Spain. Finished my second full day of walking (avg. 15 miles w).
Bought the bottle at the local market. Way too exhausted to discern specifics. But, it's a good wine and my feet hurt a little less the more of this I drink.
¡Cheers and Buen Camino! — 6 years ago
Ridiculamente joven para los 12 años que tiene — 8 years ago
Excellent+. Definite Toro style but leans to medium bodied. Super drinkable — 2 years ago
Claro y Brillante
En ausencia de Sedimentos
Color: Rubí con destellos Violeta
Intensidad: Alta
Viscosidad: Media Alta
Menisco: Variación de Ribete Larga segunda tonalidad Magenta
Intensidad: Media Alta
Frutos Maduros
Frutos Rojos (Cereza, Fresa, Mora )
Flores: Amplia Violeta con un toque de Vainilla
Especies: Pimienta Blanca, Clavo
Suelo de Matriz Mineral
Amplia Presencia de Madera
Extras: Cuero
Cuerpo: Medio
Acidez: Baja
Alcohol: Bajo
Taninos: Medio Bajo
Complejidad: Media Alta
Final: Medio
Notas: Una de las casas productoras favoritas de la casa Gómez, viñedos del viejo mundo reconfigurados a una visión Gourmet Moderna. Una experiencia necesaria de degustar, el alma de su artista creador en cada sorbo. — 4 years ago
Good Crianza and I'll get it again. — 8 years ago
At five years old this was a very nice Crianza Rioja that had aged perfectly. Nice balance and smooth. Pleasant nose and drinkable on its own but complements Spanish food, especially paella, very well. — 3 years ago
Wonderfully crisp and lively white. Great with fish and chicken — 4 years ago
Deliciosa Garnacha gris, grasa, untuosa y delicada.
Una gran sorpresa. — 7 years ago
A mi esposa le encantó. Un vino con buen cuerpo y una textura al paladar suave. — 8 years ago
Unusual, unfortified Fino-style / Pálido wine from the north of Andalusia. Blend of Aris/Airén (40%), Palomino (30%) and Pedro Ximénez (30%) from organically farmed vineyards in Villaviciosa de Córdoba in Sierra Morena, in the north of Córdoba, quite far from Montilla-Moriles and Jerez (actually, this is northernmost sherry-style producer in Andalusia). Aged for 6 years in solera system under flor. Intense nose. Green olives, caramel, curry notes. Full-bodied, bolder than most Jerez Finos. Super savory, lots of umami. Long, salty finish. — a year ago