
F.lli Vicenzi

Orfeo Cabernet del Veneto

Nicely rounded, barely any tannins palpable — 2 years ago


Orfeo Negroamaro 2016

It's crazy the number of wines sub 20 bucks down here. Cooked at home tonight in the AirBnB... 3 solid bottles. And hey, the dinner ...? Not too shabby for an 1/8th Italian dude.

So, I think 92 points seems to be my threshold down here in Puglia. Above that will be a standout.

92 points
— 6 years ago

Stuart, P and 4 others liked this

Paolo Leo

Orfeo Negroamaro Pulgia IGT

Italian wine. Smoky tobacco. So good with cigar — 6 years ago