
Bogle Family Vineyards

California Chardonnay 2016

Us time while karisma is sleeping 😂 — 7 years ago

La Crema

Anderson Valley Pinot Noir 2012

Picked this beauty for the Karisma Gourmet Inclusive Experience at El Dorado Royale in Riviera Maya. Absolutely delicious. Best bottle of La Crema I have had the pleasure of drinking. Night 2 with my wife! — 8 years ago

Domaine de Brescou

Cuvée Carisma Côtes de Thongue Syrah Blend 2013

Karisma var det här! Potent bärig och ändå grön doft med lite nyöppnad Basset lakritskonfekt-känsla. Rik, bärig och generös i gommen. Lite sting, lite tanniner. Vilken producent. — 10 years ago