Infinitely drinkable. Was expecting it to be too sweet or light but not the case. And just to be explicit: this is bkthing like the nouveau crap. This was complex enough. Maybe it’s a bit young still. Primary cherries and a nice high acidity that makes it a crowd pleaser at a good price. But not quite in tier for me as great cru Beaujolais primarily because it lacked a bit of structure and bite. Quite good if you or your company like red fruit forward high acid reds. — 6 years ago
I have never had anything like this - I did not know lush, more “full-bodied” wines could have so much going on in the background. Earthy - don’t have all the words yet but was just so surprised by this wine — 3 years ago
Minerality. — 9 years ago
All mineral, some black fruit. Took days to open up but very drinkable and good acidity. — 5 years ago
Tart red fruit & dry earth & crushed rocks. Perfectly delicious! — 9 years ago
Purchased Total Wine — a year ago