Smooth med-full body — 10 years ago
Nice wine with slight spicy notes. — 7 years ago
Very fruity. Great. — 9 years ago
Definite re-buy. — 12 years ago
Beautifully aged. Yummy classy wine with jammy flavours that goes well with prime rib streak and lively dinner conversation. — 7 years ago
I just wanna drunk this with anything. Super good with pate and cheeses though FYI — 11 years ago
Michael B
Deep royal purple colour. Almost black. Medium bodied, tastes of fresh dark plums and cassis that elegantly protrude forward. Followed by well accentuated pepper spices and mild but well refined eucalyptus. There is a definite lip smacking thickness to the wine, yet it is simultaneously so smooth. Overall it is undoubtably very elegant, yet I wonder how the spices and leathery notes would have tasted 3 years ago. Overall, extremely enjoyable. When I start asking these kind of questions, I know I like it. — 6 years ago