Barbecue wine. Like nothing else. Beautiful bouquet, followed by mesquite and charcoal. High quality and balance to give it 91 points, but the style gets it to 93. Good value too. Funk out of this world. — 9 years ago
Petit Rouge Blend — 11 years ago
Delicious… very tasty. Light on the tongue, but still has tons of flavor. Not super tannic. The aftertaste is slightly sweet, but it isn’t sweet on the tongue. Really enjoyable, and I found it at a very good price — 3 years ago
Saint-Chinian AOC is located in the heart of Languedoc. Roquebrun is one of the two under-appellation communes. The Cave cooperative accounts for almost 90% of the village production. In my experience Languedoc typically resembles Southern Rhône, but this also leans towards Provençal in style. Lavender ganache, fresh cracked pepper, anise, worn leather, rose petal, and high toned blackberry and black cherry. — 8 years ago
Locanda Verde with Patrick — 12 years ago
Great depth of flavor — 4 years ago
Incredibly delicious read incredibly addictive wine. Highly enjoyed whilst staying in Courmayeur in Italy. — 5 years ago
Beautiful color and taste. — 10 years ago
Mike Miller
Raspberries on the nose. Cherries on the finish. Wonderful with pizza. Bought the bottle back in my luggage from Aosta. — a year ago