

Crianza Ribera del Duero Tempranillo Blend

Oh Wow ! ... Get ready to be transported to a Southopean wedding or "ROMERIA" ....Or a first communion... Or baptism of a child for which tío Damián had provided the wine. Either the one that he makes himself or some local old friend's stock. This wine is great in it's honesty. Great typical Tempranillo blend with all the characteristics of this fantastic grape with just a touch of vanilla and smoke from the oak. Straight to the point. Given its "homemade character" you can expect that after finish the first bottle, it will honor his name ( singing donkeys ) and someone will be singing his/her heart out with some old tune. # Generous alcohol that you don't even see c'ming bec of the freshness and well balanced young wine. Careful ! :) ... Great wine to share with tons of friends and family that you could pair with ANYTHING. — 8 years ago