Adega Valdés

Bodega Matador - Abadia Retuerta

Valdés Red Blend 1997

Savory, balanced.
— 2 years ago

Adegas Castro Brey

Castro Valdés Rías Baixas Albariño

green pineapple, candied lemon peel, slate, pebbles thinking of oyster, nice finish full of acid — 9 years ago

Alanna KinneIsabel EstolanoAilis Peplau
with Alanna, Isabel and 2 others
Steve liked this

Adegas Castro Brey

Castro Valdés Sin Palabras Rías Baixas Albariño

Johan Larsson

Krut, krossad sten, citron, vit persika, saltad citron, praktexemplar av Albarino. — 9 years ago

MICHAEL liked this